Corporate Culture

For TETTIX, corporate culture is a vibrant, dynamic, and constantly evolving process based on innovation, creativity, and open collaboration.

It is an investment in credibility and trust with transparency and continuous dialogue to create synergies and a commitment to continuous improvement. Respect for the environment and upholding the principles of equality are non-negotiable priorities for the company and constitutes the basis for its growth.


At a time when the challenges of climate change are increasing, sustainability and green growth are placed at the forefront. For TETTIX, success is closely linked to the responsibility towards nature and environment.

In this context, TETTIX team develops its activities in a responsible and environmentally friendly manner, taking into consideration the consequences of its choices for the future of the planet. In meanwhile, it works to develop innovative technologies, aimed at energy savings, while it seeks to reduce its environmental footprint by adopting sustainable solutions in its day-to-day operations.

Elimination of discrimination - Equality

Implementing strong corporate governance is important to maintain a healthy and productive work culture. TETTIX's key objective is to ensure that all employees enjoy equal rights and are treated with respect and dignity.

TETTIX complies with all its legal obligations in relation to gender equality, non-discrimination at work, inclusion and other aspects of labor legislation, following the UN standards on Gender Equality and Decent Work in Industry and Infrastructure. Through its actions, the company promotes cooperation and team spirit, values that are key factors in its successful course.

In meanwhile, through its services and products, TETTIX contributes to the fight against social discrimination and the elimination of racial stereotypes in the field of industrial production. By relieving the labor force of laborious and difficult manual tasks, it offers the possibility for social groups, such as women as well as people with disabilities, to participate in tasks from which they were until recently excluded due to the muscle power they required.

Social responsibility

Social sensitivity is one of the basic principles of TETTIX. The TETTIX team seeks in the immediate future to develop voluntary initiatives to support vulnerable social groups.

Through volunteer activities, TETTIX wishes to create interactive relationships with local communities and to enhance its contribution to society.

Lifelong Learning

TETTIX invests in the education and training of its people, ensuring that they receive further training to enhance their skills and effectiveness.

To achieve this goal, TETTIX intends to develop collaborative relationships with university groups, providing its employees and young scientists with the tools for their skills development.